Since 2013, the instructor of Tai Chi Chuan Tung Groningen is Sylvain HAMON.
Sylvain beganstudying the art of Tai Chi Chuan in 1997 within the TOUM and itspartner associations in Paris and the surroundingregion.
Sylvain settled in Groningen in the north of The Netherlands in 2005 and continues learning Tai Chi Chuan from some the main teachers of the Toum association (RassamyRodsphon)attendingsome of their workshops in France
TOUM and itspartner associations werefounded in 1975 under the inspiration of Anya Méot. With a background in dance and movement, sheremains the technical and pedagogicaldirector of TOUM. Since the TOUM association began, Anya Méot has continued to studyfaithfullywith Master Tung Kai Ying. Assisted by the more advancedmembers of TOUM, she has trainedhundreds of Tai Chi teachers. Her students and teachers are spread through France and around the world.
“Weseek to transmit a genuine and authentic art by allowingstudents to discover the myriad of possibilities Tai Chi contains: rhythms, patience… Eachstudentlearnsaccording to hisneeds and at hisown pace.
Weemphasize the importance of the internal martial arts aspects of adaptable, traditional Tai Chi . There are no shortcuts, only a prolongedsearch to incrementallyattain the subtlety and elasticitythatcharacterize the art and spirit of Tai Chi.”